Declaration support

NEW: Product declaration and product update by baubook

Simple, secure, convenient!
As a new service, baubook now offers product registration or the updating of existing products. This way, your products can be entered into baubook easily, securely and, above all, conveniently. As a manufacturer, you simply send us the product details and the corresponding proofs. We will gladly do the rest for you!

baubook ensures your data quality
Our team checks all data for completeness and plausibility. We clarify open points or ambiguities directly and in an uncomplicated manner. In the process, we check all required evidence and ensure that it matches the test reports. After the positive conclusion of the quality assurance, we release the declared and quality-assured data. In this way, your products reach the internet as quickly as possible.

Product declaration

Use the baubook product entry service. Please complete the data in the form.

Product update

Use the baubook product update service. Please complete the data in the form.

Prices and costs

baubook cost overview for declaration, listing, change, quality assurance.

sparschwein.svg  Prices and costs

Contact and support

Do you need support? You want(ed) to declare product data in baubook and have questions? The baubook team will be happy to assist you in word and deed! Get in touch with our submission advisors.


@baubook GmbH   Alserbachstrasse 5/8, 1090 Wien, Austria   T +43 1 319 200 50